September 22, 2024

Notice of Chemical treatment of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Bay Lake

The Bay Lake Improvement Association conducted a Eurasian Watermilfoil survey of Bay Lake earlier this month. We will be treating 74 sites equaling 75.33 acres of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Bay Lake with Liquid 2,4-D. We expect to conduct treatments after October 1st weather conditions permitting.

The program has worked for 33 years and our mission statement has always been to not allow EWM to become the dominate plant species and it’s not. We will never eradicate it, but we can control it. Your support is critical to protecting the lake from invasive species such as EWM and others.

As mentioned in the Breezes article and at previous annual BLIA meetings we will not be collecting approval signatures any longer. We will assume all approve and allow those who don’t want their shorelines chemically treated to opt out of treatments by contacting me at the phone number or email listed below.

If you are OK with the Bay Lake Improvement Association treating along your shoreline for Eurasian Watermilfoil, should it need it you don’t have to do anything, we will assume you are OK with it.

To opt out of chemical treatments of Eurasian Watermilfoil on your shoreline please call, email, or write David Devins immediately and say so, describing your property by address, fire number (if you know it), Photo from the water and or neighbors on either side of you so we can properly identify your property.

David Devins
17100 Sandy Lane
Minnetonka, MN 55345

Thank you for your continued support


Welcome to
Information To Strengthen Our Community

To learn about our background, mission, content and contact information, click here.

What All BayLakers Should Know Weather Bay Lake Facebook Page BLIA
BayLakers on the Water Angler Hall of Fame Zebra Mussels Eurasian Water Milfoil
Environmental History Postings From Past Years  

What's New?

Wild & Free
Local Mosquito Spraying Service
Fall 2023 Swimmer's Itch Update
Summer 2023 Swimmer's Itch Committee Report
2023 Pontoon Parade Awards
Misc Blast "How To's"

What All BayLakers Should Know

Bay Lake Buoy Basics:
Slow No Wake
Rocks and Shallow Areas
Trivia and Contact Information
Subscribe to Bay Lake Blasts
Northern Pines Mental Health Center /Church Island Retreat Update
Loon Calls
BLIA 50th Anniversary Video on YouTube
"A Day on Bay Lake" video pictures.
Crow Wing County Landfill Recycling Information
Bear Video
BLIA Membership:
The Bay Lake Improvement Association works on your behalf.  Everyone who values Bay Lake should be a member.  Kids and grand kids should have their own memberships.  It's good for BLIA and it's also good for them.  Click here to join on-line.
Three Ways to Protect Our Lake
U of M Zebra Mussel Transport Info
Swimmer's Itch:
Click here for helpful information.
Deer Ticks:
Click here for an informative but concise article that BayLakers should have on hand.
Bay Lake Sunrise Video:
Click here for a reminder of why you love Bay Lake.
Loons - Our Most Welcome Guests:
To learn about our loon population and see some terrific pictures, click here.
2020 Loon Report.
Attention Owners Of Swimming Rafts:
If you have a raft, click here.
Boating Safety & Etiquette
Our lake can be safe and friendly.  To see how, click here.
Points of Reference Map:
Have you ever wondered where Battle Point or Echo Bay or Pioneer Bay are?  To see, click here.
Deer Resistant Plants:
Click here for a list of plants that deer don't seem to like.
Deer Invasion - SPRAY EARLY and OFTEN:
Click here to learn about an inexpensive deer repellant formula and for an updated link for ordering.  Click here for other repellant products.

Upcoming Events

BLIA Holiday Party
Ruttger’s Resort
Saturday, December 7th

New Year’s Events & Fireworks
Lonesome Pine Shoreline
Saturday, December 28th


Weather Link:
Click here to get the weather report right here on Bay Lake (courtesy of John Enright).
To see what's coming on The Weather Channel, click here.
Facebook logo


BLIA Board Meetings:

Pictures from the BLIA 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting,
Celebration and "A Day on Bay Lake" video.
Click here to view.
Membership and Support:
To get memberships and/or donate on-line, click here. To get a membership and/or donate by snail mail, send your donation to: Bay Lake Improvement Association, PO Box 421, Brainerd, MN 56401.

Bay Lake is ours to love.....and protect.  BLIA is the only organization with a mission to protect and enhance our lake and our community.  Our success depends on you.  Please join, contribute &  volunteer.
Contact Information:
BLIA Leadership Team
Snail Mail:
PO Box 421
Brainerd, MN 56401
Bay Lake Breezes
The Breezes are now posted on-line.  To see current and past issues, click here.

BayLakers On The Water

Pontoon Parade Awards

Volume 1 - August 17, 2014
Volume 2 - August 31, 2014
Volume 3 - September 6, 2014
Volume 4 - September 14, 2014
Volume 5 - May 25, 2015
Volume 6 - August 8, 2015
Volume 7 - August 16, 2015
Volume 8 - August 22, 2015

Volume 9 - August 30, 2015
Volume 10 - August 30, 2015
Volume 11 - August 30, 2015
Volume 12 - October 17, 2015

Angler Hall of Fame

Angler Pictures:
Please send your pictures to for posting.

Busy Fisherman

Audra's Crappie
Hugh's First Fish
Jake's Bass
Matt & Regan's Catch
Frank's Big Bass
Carolyn "Fishing With Dad"
Tommy's Beautiful Bass
Fishing With Friends

Tucker’s Sunfish

Colin Goes Fishing In A Kayak.
Liam comes to visit (and supplies dinner).
Mikey & Megan Sieve find bass over Memorial Day Weekend.

Tucker Ness starts off the summer with a great bass.  

First 2015 Young Angler:
Click here to see what Christian pulled through the ice.

Zebra Mussels

Fall 2020 Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Update

Eurasian Water Milfoil

Fall 2020 Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Update
"EWM: Our Exotic Invader"---Part One:
The most often asked questions about EWM and Bay Lake will be addressed on  To read the answer to the first question "Have we lost the battle?", click here. 
"EWM: Our Exotic Invader"---Part Two:
The second question in our Q & A series is: "EWM vs. Northern Milfoil: What's the difference?  They look alike, I hate them both and it's getting worse!"  To read the answer, click here. 
"EWM: Our Exotic Invader"---Part Three:
The third installment in our Q & A series asks the following questions:
-How Do We Identify and Track Infestation Sites?
-How Do We Determine Which Sites To Treat?
-Fall Versus Spring Treatment: Why Do I Have To Look At The Stuff All Summer?
To read the answers, click here. 
"EWM: Our Exotic Invader"---Part Four:
The fourth installment in our Q & A series asks the following questions:
-"Mechanical Harvesting vs. Chemical Treatment: Why Don't We Just Cut The Darn Stuff"
-"If Treatment Is So Good, Why Not Treat The Whole Lake?
To read the answers, click here. 
"EWM: Our Exotic Invader"---Part Five:
The fifth installment in our Q & A series asks the following questions:
-"What Can I Do With EWM Around My Dock?"
-"What Herbicide Do We Use?"
-"Why Don't We Use the Herbicide "Sonar" (Like Michigan)?"
-"Should We Drastically Expand Treatment?"

To read the answers, click here. 
"EWM: Our Exotic Invader"---Series Conclusion: To read the final article, click here.


Buffer 101:
We ALL know that natural and buffered shorelines protect our lake and enhance our property, but "it looks complicated" and "maybe next year" keep us from doing anything.  Folks, it's time to take the first step.  Click here to see how. 
Annual Tree & Plant Giveaway:
For decades, BLIA has been helping members enhance their property and protect Bay Lake by giving away seedlings and shoreline plants.  Click here to read about this beneficial program.
Bay Lake Water Quality Reports: Crow Wing County maintains water quality reports for Bay Lake.  For your convenience, we've created links to related sections of the Crow Wing County website.  To see "Crow Wing County Water Quality Factsheet - Bay Lake" (a summary page), click here.  To see the entire report for Bay Lake, click here.


Living Longtime BayLakers
Click here to see a list of people who have been "BayLakers" at least 50 years.  The primary objective of this voluntary mini history project is to have fun.  See page two of the list for the criteria and how to add your name.

Bay Lake History 101 Presentation:
Can you imagine Frenchmen paddling past the location of your cabin over 300 years ago?  Learning a little of the history of Bay Lake is fun.  To view the presentation, click here.
Bay Lake History: Railroads & Mining:
The first of our mini-presentations is now ready.  I guarantee this exciting story will capture your attention (and it only takes 10 minutes!). To open the presentation in pdf format, click here. If you want more detail, click here to open the related timeline.
An Interesting Bay Lake Story
Bay Lake Maps:
Our Points of Reference Map was updated.  Click here to see a copy.  Recently a copy of a map from 1912 was received.  Click here to see the old names.  Also you can click here for a map of Bay Lake Township.
Recommended Reading:
Most BayLakers regularly drive past Kathio State Park.  If you want to experience what it was like to over 330 years ago click here for a book recommendation.
Vacation Planning:
This Bay Lake Area advertising flier is likely from the 50's or earlier. 
Historical "Lost & Found":
Who lost an 18 HP motor in 1962 and hired a diver named Doug Erickson to find it?  Click here to see the records.

Historical Pictures:
Click here to see historical pictures.
Click here to see turn of the century BayLakers enjoying themselves.
Click here to see more pictures from Dan Cook.

Stone House Open House & Bay Lake History Day:
On August 4th the "Stone House" was 100 years old.  The celebration was a fitting event.  Click here to see pictures and read about the history of this landmark.
Oh My!
You need to see where the water level was in the first half of the 1900's.  There are many historical stories of emotional debates (and middle of the night dam alterations) regarding lake levels.  Click here and you will see why.

Postings from Past Years


Champions Tour Championship
Click here to read about the Champions Tour 2019 Championship which will beheld on Bay Lake Friday-Saturday, September 20 & 21.
2019 Bay Lake Fireworks Volunteer Honor Roll
BLIA Annual Meeting Pike Presentation
Senior Golf
Small Northern Contests
Click here to read the rules for the Ruttger and BLIA Small Northern Contests.
2019 BLIA President's Letter:
Click here to read the Spring 2019 President's Letter.


An Interesting Bay Lake Story
BLIA Small Northern Contest Update
BLIA Trivia Night Registration
2018 Fireworks Helpers Honor Roll
BLIA Sticker Search
BLIA Small Northern Contest
Ruttger's Summer Events
Artistic & Creative Map of Bay Lake
Click here to see what Marcia & Marshall's granddaughter, Jessica Scott created. You will be surprised.


Church Island Final 2017 Service
Rainbow Reflections
Milky Way Over Bay Lake
Annual Meeting Presentation & 2017 Loon Report
Moon Setting Over First Narrows
Up Close & Personal Loon Pictures
Click here to see Bay Lake Shore’s newest residents.
Amazing Sunset Pictures


Trivia Night Report
Runtilla Pictures
Click here to see pictures from the 2016 Runtilla.
2nd Annual Labor Day Weekend Raggae Jam
Click here for information
Proposed BLIA By-Law Changes
These will be voted on at the Annual Meeting on July 16, 2016.  Click here for a copy. 
DNR Seeking Intern Inspectors For 2016.


Autumn Sunrise
Skone Family Sculpture Donation To CLC
End Of Season Images
BayLakers On The Water - Volume 12
Busy Fisherman
Click here to see Matt's wide range of fish.
Life At The Lake
Goodbye to Summer
Migration Preparation
BLIA Holiday Party Registration
Bay Lake Food Drive
Click here to learn more about this end of season event.  Clean out your cupboards and help the less fortunate.
Where Was This Resort? (OOOPS)
Click here
to see two pictures of the dock at Shady Pines Resort.  ***We're pretty sure this picture was of a resort on Gull Lake***
Up Close & Personal With A Pileated Woodpecker
Fighting EWM:
Click here to see why and how we can get EWM under control.
Message From BLIA AIS Committee:
Please click here to view an important message from Phil Rollins.
Awesome Northern Lights Picture
Bay Lake Milestones:
We communicate serious things like "Bay Lake Passings" and AIS info.  Let's also post positive milestones (significant anniversaries and birthdays, Bay Lake family reunions, etc).  Click here to see our first milestone post. Send your's to
Bay Laker's On The Water - Volume 8: Click here to see surfing (and historical footnote).
Bay Lake Trivia Night: *** This coming Sunday ***
Our first Trivia Contest will be held at 7:15PM on Sunday, August 30th (with registration at 6:45PM) at Ruttger's Lodge.  Compete as a team or sign-up individually and we'll create a team for you.  Appetizer buffet included.  Cash bar available. Click here for more information.  Click here for a registration form.
Great Hummingbird Picture
Quiet Time
More Bears:
There have been bear (and bear "scat" (yuck)) sightings on Scotland Shores, Adams Bay, Echo Bay and the south side of the First Narrows (facing Middle Bay).  Click here to see the latest pictures.
2015 Amazing Race:
Click here to see the team pictures and results.
EWM Maps:
As expected, weed growth, and particularly EWM growth, has been high due to the lack of snow cover, relatively early ice out and somewhat lower water levels.  Click on these links to view the 2014 and 2015 diving results maps. Fortunately our 20 plus year track record is clear evidence that with aggressive treatment we can knock EWM back again.    Aggressive treatment requires aggressive giving.  Please respond accordingly to the recent BLIA Environmental Fund appeal letter.
Artificial Loon Nesting Platforms:
Although Bay Lake has a healthy loon population, the number of chicks that are produced here is below average.  One way to potentially increase the amount of loon nesting habitat is to construct an artificial loon nesting platform.  If this interests you click on the following links to learn more.
Loon Platforms 1
Loon Platforms 2
Loon Platforms 3
Loon Platforms 4
Oh Oh!
Click here to see what has been visiting Adams Bay.
Golf Scramble & Picnic - August 8th:
Click here for the registration form.
Independence Day Beach Party:
Click here to see the picture.  Click here to view more pictures and a video on the Bay Lake Facebook page.
First 2015 Loon Report: Click here to read the report of Jon Wefald's early summer  loon counts.
Bridge Party/Fundraiser:
Click here for the registration Form
Amazing Race - July 25th:
Click here for the registration form.
DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Training & Trailer Decal Program Is Repealed:
Click here to learn what will replace it.
BLIA Fireworks - July 2nd:
Click here to learn why they are on the 2nd.
Bay Lakers On The Water:
It's pretty early for 2015 entries so here is are some slightly historical Bay Lakers On The Water pictures to kick off the new season.  Send your water sport pictures to for posting in our Bay Lakers On The Water Section. Click here to see Volume 5.
Boat Safety Class: ****Coming up soon!****
A Youth Operator Class will be held on Monday, June 22nd.  A maximum of 25 youths (ages 12-17) can participate.  This is great training.  Click here for the details.
Educational Information - Wildlife:
Click here to see what dug a hole in our driveway.
Your Input Is Needed:
Participation in the annual BLIA Children's Party/Minnow Camp has drastically declined (both participants and volunteers).  Change (i.e. rebuild, eliminate or ???) is required.  What do you think?  Has this 40 plus year tradition run the course?  If not, what is required?  Click here to see last year's promo.  Email comments to
31st Annual Bay Lake Area Lion's Charities Auction:
****Coming up soon!****
Click here for details.
Savor Fest 2015:****Coming up soon!****
Click here for information.
Man's Best Friend - Lost & Found on Bay Lake:
Click here for a great Bay Lake story........particularly if you're old enough (like me) to be behind the "social media" curve.
Bay Lake Memories - Winter 1969:
Click here to Haben Family pictures.

Skyrockets Blast Over Bay Lake:
The 1st Annual New Year's Eve Fireworks Event Was Awesome.  Hats off to the organizers and sponsors!!! Click here to see pictures.  Click here for the video.  Put it on your calendar for December 31, 2015.

***POSTPONED*** Click here to learn more.***
Aquatic Invasive Species Training & New Trailer Decals Mandatory in 2015:
If you trailer a boat or water-related equipment like docks or lifts, you must take AIS training and get a trailer decal.  This new law applies to everyone and every trailer.  The law takes effect July 1, 2015, but you can get it out of the way before summer.  Click here to learn what must be done.

2015 New Year's Day Service:
Click here for a picture.

Partial Solar Eclipse Pictures:
Click here to see great pictures over Bay Lake.

Zebra Mussels:
Click here to read an interesting DNR Press Release regarding the new strategy to eliminate Zebra Mussels from Christmas Lake.


A Great Fish to Kick Off the 2014 Young Angler Section:
Click here to see Ashleigh's 10.5" Sunfish (and a really proud grandfather).
Four Independence Day Weekend Young Anglers:
Click here to see 8 year old Tori's bass.
Click here to see Tucker's catch off the dock.
Click here to see Henry's Isle of Pines lunker.
Click here to see Megan's monster.
(YTD Score: Gals 4, Guys 2)
New Year's Eve Fireworks:        
A new Bay Lake tradition is born.  First Annual Bay Lake New Year's Eve Fireworks.  Click here for details.
Urgent Message From BLIA Fishing Resources Committee:
The DNR may cease walleye stocking if our northern population isn't brought under control. Please click here to read about this issue and learn what we need to do.
Two Great Pictures:
Bob Schwartzbauer captured scenes from the beginning and ending of summer 2014.  Click here to view his pictures.
Zebra Mussel Inspection Time:
Likely 1000+ docks and lifts will soon be taken out of the lake.  It's an opportunity to determine what Aquatic Invasive Species have invaded our lake.  Please click here and read this helpful letter from Jeff Forester, Executive Director of Minnesota Lakes & Rivers.  BLIA and many of our residents are members of MLR.
DNR Close-Up Letter: Click here for helpful information (particularly in regard to AIS).
Fourth Annual Bay Lake Food Drive:
When you clean out your cupboards for the winter over Oktoberfest Weekend please consider helping to our Crow Wing County neighbors.  Click here to see what is needed and where/when to drop off it off.
2014 Oktoberfest:
Click here for details.
Upside Down:
Click here to see how a particularly agile BayLaker celebrated the Super Moon of 2014.
A Multi-Generation Legacy:
Bay Lake is much more than just a place to ski or fish.  Being here becomes a way of life......and in many cases it becomes a legacy for future generations.  Click here to see a wonderful reminder.
Wanted: Water Sports Pictures:
Please email your favorite water sports pictures to  They can be oldies or current and they can be any water sport.  They can be graceful or clumsy or daring or funny or just memorable.  Give the approximate year and (optional) the names.  We're just getting started but click here for a hint of what's coming.
*** ALERT, This Sunday *** Final 2014 Church Island Service & Bay Lake Gathering:
The final service for this summer and 6th Annual Send-A-Kid to Camp Auction is Sunday,  August 31st.  Click here to see the pictorial report from last year. 

Click here to learn about the road closure between Deerwood & Crosby.

The Future Of Church Island:
Click here to read an important letter from First Lutheran Church and click here to read the Conservation Easement related to Church Island. Click here if you want to buy an island.
Bay Lake Video:
Click here to see a short video that you will definitely enjoy.
Zebra Mussels Found In Two More Crow Wing County Lakes:
Click here to read the August 7, 2014 Press Release and click here to see the updated AIS Infestation Map.
2014 BLIA Scramble & Picnic Pictures:
Click here to see the pictures.
2014 Runtilla Pictures:
Click here to see some of the 30th Anniversary pictures.
Sunset From Echo Bay:
Click here to see a great picture from Kim Orwoll.
Dean Hansen Wins Again:
Click here to see the article and video.
A Whopping 16 Teams Competed in the 2014 Amazing Race:
Click here to see team pictures.
Viking Ship On Bay Lake:
Click here to learn about this new and interesting addition to Bay Lake.
ALERT: Golf Scramble & Picnic ***THIS SATURDAY***
Click here for the registration form for the 2014 Golf Scramble & Picnic on Saturday, August 9.
Outstanding Loon Pictures:
Click here to see Karen Edgeton's Bay Lake Loon pictures.
Life On Bay Picture Gallery:
Click here to see a collection of pictures.
Great Fireworks & Sandbar Party Pictures:
Samantha Miller was our official photographer for these events.  Click here to view her fireworks pictures and click here to view pictures from the sandbar party.
ALERT: 30th Annual Runtilla***THIS SATURDAY***
Click here for the registration form for the 2014 Runtilla on Saturday, August 2nd..
ALERT: High Water + Large Wakes = Shoreline Erosion:
Please minimize your wake near shorelines and particularly in the narrows.  With a little thought we can preserve Bay Lake and still have fun.  
Two Unique Bird Pictures:
Click here to see Bob Schwartzbauer's "Newest Eagle" and Mark Holmberg's "Loon Dancing Down the Sun".
2014 Loon Reports:
Click here to see Jon Wefald's first three reports.
Four Independence Day Weekend Young Anglers:
Click here to see 8 year old Tori's bass.
Click here to see Tucker's catch off the dock.
Click here to see Henry's Isle of Pines lunker.
Click here to see Megan's monster.
(YTD Score: Gals 4, Guys 2)
ALERT: Bridge Fundraiser***THIS WEDNESDAY***
Click here for the registration form for the Bridge & 500 Benefit on Wednesday, July 23rd.
ALERT: Fifth Annual Send-A-Kid to Camp Fundraiser

Click here for the registration information for the 2014 Big Swim & TryAthalon on Saturday, July 26th.
Fireworks 2014:
Click here to see really outstanding photographs.
Stories Behind Points Of Reference Map Names:
We are still gathering input for our Points Of Reference Map but Ruttger's recently named their meeting rooms after important Bay Lake landmarks and explained their significance in the Ruttger Reporter.  Click here to learn the stories behind some of our landmarks.  Click here to see Version 2 of our updated Points of Reference.
For Sale on Facebook:
We will post major items (boats, motors, cabins, etc) for sale on Bay Lake on the Bay Lake Facebook page.  This is a trial effort but it may prove popular.  Click on the Facebook icon on the right side of our home page or go to to see the Bay Lake Facebook page.
**** Amazing Race This Saturday ****
Click here for the registration form for the 2014 Amazing Race on Saturday, July 19th.

AIS Alert:
Violation rate too high, ramped up enforcement July 11-13 weekend. Click here to read the DNR press release.

Moods of Bay Lake:
Click here to see great pictures from Val Broeckert and Dan Mulheran.
***ALERT - Ipso Facto This Friday***
This reggae group was a real hit at Ruttger's Beach Bar last summer but only the guests knew about it.  Don't miss this return engagement.  An island shirt and exotic drink opportunity!  Click here for details. 
***ALERT - Minnow Camp This Saturday***
Click here for details.
Time to Celebrate:
Click here for the Bay Lake 4th of July Weekend events lineup.
You'll Wish You Were Out There:
Click here to see Dan Mulheran's picture "Cruising At Sunset".
Click here to view short slideshow of Bay Lake Camp.
Darn Beavers:
If you've driven up Highway 6 by Cottage Hill Road you've likely seen this new landmark by "Beaver Bay".  Click here to see the evidence.
Girls Night Out & SavorFest:
Click here to learn about this new and exciting event.
A Hall of Fame Memorial Day Weekend:
Click here to see great sunset pictures.
Another Great BLIA Tree & Plant Giveaway:
Click here to see pictures.
Another Late Ice Out:
The ice went out on April 30th. Joan Kartak won the Ice Out Contest.  Click here to see the Historical Records.
2014 BLIA President's Letter:
Click here to read a terrific letter from BLIA President Dominic Ciresi.  Besides listing the BLIA events that help make Bay Lake special, Dominic says we reached an incredible membership milestone in 2013.
Annual Tree & Plant Giveaway:
Don't miss this important annual event.  10AM - Noon, Saturday, May 24th at Lonesome Pine.  Click here to view pictures.


Woodland Beach Bass:
Click here to see two of Brandon Bunger's fish.
Another New BayLaker With Great Fish and a Great Smile:
Click here to see Christian and his catch.
4th of July Bass:
Click here to see Adam Krage's Sissebagamah catch.
New BayLaker Catches 21" Largemouth Bass:
Click here to see Sam's catch.

First Sunnie:
Click here to see Sylvia's fish.

Pioneer Bay Bass:
Click here to see Brooklyn's catch.

2 Pound Crappie:
Click here to see Tucker's most recent fish.
The Sieve Brothers Haul In Bass:
Click here to see Kellen & Brendan's monsters.
Revised Land Use Ordinance:
The revised Crow Wing County Land Use Ordinance became effective on April 22, 2011.  For your convenience,  we've created links to related sections of the Crow Wing County website.  To see the "Land Use Factsheet" (a summary page), click here.  To see "Shoreland Alterations" (a summary page), click here. To see the entire Land Use Ordinance, click here.  Questions may be answered by reviewing the Crow Wing County website ( or contacting Chris Pence, Land Services supervisor for Environmental Services at 218-824-1125 or
Security Tip:
This short video was recommended by BayLaker Don Borgaro.  Unless protected, thieves can open an automatic garage door in 6 seconds.  Click here to view the video.
BLIA Holiday Party 2013 Report:
Click here to see the pictures.
Church Island New Years Day Service:
Click here for more information.
Endless Summer
Click here and think of summer.
Sunset and Tranquility
Click here and relax.
Double Rainbows
Click here to see what came after the storm.
BayLaker In Focus
Click here to see what this beloved BayLaker does in the winter.
Last Blast
Click here to see the October 8th Bay Lake Blast
In The Mood For Fall
If you enjoyed the Bay Lake Sunrise video click here to view "Minnesota Medley - Images of fall from Crow Wing County & Bay Lake".
Sunset From Woodland Beach
Click here to see Mark Holmberg's picture.

Final 2013 Church Island Service
Click here to see the recap & pictures.

2013 Fireworks Finale:
Click here to see the amazing finish.
2013 BLIA Holiday Party:
Don’t miss this great annual event.  Click here to open a reservation form.
Minnesota Lakes & Rivers Advocates
 MLR Executive Director Jeff Forester made a presentation at the 2013 BLIA Annual Meeting.  To learn more about MLA click here or visit their website
It's Time To Check For EWM & Zebra Mussels:
Click here for a copy of David's fall mailing.  Then walk your shoreline.  When you take out your dock and lift check them for Zebra Mussels.  If you find something worrisome, take it to Hansen's Store for verification and then contact David at 612-237-1827 or
Bay Lake Sunset
Click here to see two great pictures taken from different locations by different BayLakers of an exceptionally dramatic Bay Lake sunset.
BLIA Environmental Fund:
Protecting Bay Lake is our job............and in our best interest. Click here to read the 2013 Environmental Fund letter and to access the EWM Series.
***Bay Lake Food Drive  ***October 18-20******
Click here to see the details.
Bay Lake Blast
Click here if you haven't already seen the September 9th Blast.
Access Monitoring Volunteer Recognition Party:
Click here to see pictures of BayLakers who are working to protect our lake.
Improvements to the Public Access:
Click here to see the new graphics and disposal facility.
2013 BLIA Scramble & Picnic - RECORD PARTICIPATION!!
Click here to see the pictures.
Sunset Over Church Island:
Click here to see Allison Bye's wonderful picture.
Minnesota Land Trust:
Click here to see an invitation to the MLT Treasured Places event on September 7th. 
Last 2013 Church Island Service, Ice Cream Social & Live Auction:
Hard to believe but the season is wrapping up.  Click here to learn about this year's service and click here to see pictures from last year's great event.
Live Auction:
Buy something really nice and send a kid to camp at the same time.  The End of Season Church Island Live (& Silent) Auction gets bigger and more successful every year.   Art, antiques, specialty items and even a dinner will be on the auction block.  Click here for details.
Stars Over Bay Lake:
If you haven't already seen this on our Facebook page, click here to be awed.
Local Guy & Boat Achieve Success at the Whitefish Boat Rendezvous.
Click here to see the guy, his boat and a short video.
2013 Loon Report:
Click here for information from Jon Wefald's Loon Report and great Wayne Kohnen pictures.
Amazing Race Report Part Two:
Click here to see the teams and click here to see some of the action.
More 2013 Runtilla Winners:
Click here to see the rest of the trophy winners.
BayLakers Brave Fall-Like Weather For Big Swim Camperships:
Click here to see the pictures.
Amazing "Winners" Of 2nd Annual Amazing Race:
Click here to see the winning team.
2013 BLIA Runtilla "Winners":
Everyone "wins" (especially the BLIA Environmental Fund), but click here to see the names and times of the fastest participants for their age group.
Runtilla Tops $200K:
Click here to see the recap.
2013 BLIA Scramble & Picnic ***This Saturday***
It's not too late to sign up for the picnic (and maybe even golf).  Don't miss this last really big BLIA event of the summer.  Click here for more information.
Lakes Area Music Festival *** This Saturday***
Click here to learn more about this opportunity to enjoy music, socializing and good food on the shores of Bay Lake.
Runtilla 2013 Photos!
Click here to see 303 pictures of this year's great race!
The Star Spangled Banner On Bay Lake:
Click here to see Josh & Emily Elmer (grandchildren of BayLakers Merritt & Betty Marquardt) playing the Star Spangled Banner during the 4th of July event off Church Island.  This winter they have an engagement at the Rose Bowl!  Click here to learn more about the Rosemount High School Marching Band.
High Water Continues:
Click here to see beach erosion.
2013 BIG SWIM *** This Friday ***
Click here to learn more.
Amazing Race *** This Saturday ***
Click here to open the registration form.  Click here to see last year's teams.
Reggae At Ruttger's:
Click here to see what you missed..........and then make plans for 2014.
Let's Play Bridge - *** This Thursday***
Click here to open the registration form for the first "Let's Play Bridge" benefit for the Bay Lake Camp Scholarship Fund.
Runtilla - *** This Saturday ***
Click here to open the registration form.  Click here to see pictures from 2012.
EWM Treatment is Underway:
Authorization forms for 2013-17 were mailed this winter.  Did you sign and return yours?  Unless it's on file, treatment will go to other priority areas.  Click here for more information or to get an authorization form.
2013 BLIA Children's Party ***This Saturday***
Click here to learn more.
WCCO Visits Bay Lake:
If you missed the broadcasts (or if just can't get enough of them), click here.  See Ruttger's and Lonesome Pine and take a tour of Hansen's Store. 
2013 BLIA President's Letter:
Click here to read the 2013 President's Letter from Dominic Ciresi.
2013 BLIA Annual Meeting  ***This Saturday***
Information, socializing & food.  Aquatic Invasive Species are on our doorstep. Don't miss Jeff Forrester's presentation.  Click here to learn why.
Bay Lake Fireworks:
Click here to see why you should attend.
Special Church Island Service *** This Sunday***
Direct from Crosby, Churchyard Grass is always a hit.  Click here for details.   
Buffer Zones 101:
Summer is coming slowly but it's never too late to start protecting our lake and your shoreline.   This is a repeat but click here for a reminder of one way to enhance and protect your property.
What All BayLakers Need To Know:
Click here before putting your boat in the water.
Cheap & Effective Deer Repellant (Revised):
Click here to see the formula and dramatic results.  Click here to order House Of Tsang Mongolian Fire Oil from Hormel.  Click here to see more (visitor suggested) solutions (including two commercial products).
BLIA Tree & Shoreline Plant Giveaway:
Click here to see the pictures on the Bay Lake Facebook page.
Hoots, Honks & Quackers:
Wayne's been busy.  Click here to see his latest pictures.
The Winter That Wouldn't Quit:
On my.  Click here to see interesting maps and charts and click here to see pictures.
WOW! Late Ice Out Drives Record Traffic on
Click here to see the charts.
Ice Out Winner:
Congratulations  Nancy Bunger!  Her guess of May 2nd took strong conviction because it would have been a near record (even though it ended up being 9 days too early). Click here to learn more.


First the Good News, but then the Bad News:
Click here to see the 2012 Annual Meeting Recap.
Click here to see Morgan Hawley's great catch.
Nice Sunfish:
Click here to see Grant Bowman.
Oh My, Check Out This Bass:
Click here to see Max McGraw.
First Fish:
Click here to see Grant and Evy Bowman.
31" Walleye:
Click here to see Sam Broman.
A Family of Anglers:
Click here to see the Faster Family Anglers.
Brothers Haul Them In:
Click here to see Aidan & Will Emerson.
First 2012 Young Angler:
Click here to see Hattie Pettit.
Walleye Envy:
Click here to see Carolyn Sweeney's great catch (and faithful fishing partner).
New Year’s Day Service
Click here to see pictures from a cold but worthwhile service on Church Island.
2012 BLIA Holiday Party
It's hard to beat a gathering of Bay Lake friends and neighbors in the cozy atmosphere of Ruttger's Lodge.   Fortunately it was held the day before the storm.  Click here to see the pictures.
End of Season Church Island Service & Gathering Is A Huge Success:
Click here to see the pictures and read about the event.
Kelsey Peterson Fundraiser:
Click here to read about the September 29th fundraiser at Lonesome Pine.
EWM & Zebra Mussel Inspection:
Click here to read David Devin's August 24, 2012 letter asking residents to check their shoreline.
How Many Loons Do We Have?
Click here to read the Jon Wefald's 2012 Loon Report.
Record Setting 28th Annual Runtilla:
Click here to read the 2012 Recap.
It Couldn't Have Been Any Better:
Click here to see the 2012 Golf Scramble & Picnic recap.
Interesting Activity Stats:
Oh my...our little community website had nearly 50,000 hits in the last three weeks of August 2011.  Click here to view an interesting and easy to read graphic about activity.
New & Improved "End Of Season" Event:
Come help Church Island celebrate another successful season.  Enjoy pie, ice cream, hot dogs and Bay Lake camaraderie.  Click here to see more about the event.  Click here to see the flier about the new auctions.
3rd Annual "Big Swim":
Click here to see pictures of this wonderful event.
Runtilla 2012:
Click here to see the Runtilla pictures.
BayLaker Injured:
Please click here to read about a BayLaker who needs help.
Amazing Race Is An Amazing Success!
The first (annual...we hope) Amazing Race was a huge success.  Click here to see the teams.  Then start forming teams for next year.
Boaters are responsible for their wake. Please remember that even wakes that are created in the middle of a bay eventually hit the shore.
Click here to read more and see pictures.
Neighborhood Gatherings Strengthen The Community:
Click here to see the 2012 Brighton Point Party.
Church Island Events:
Click here to see what's coming to Church Island in July.
Invasives Threaten Our Trees (Too):
Click here to read an important letter from the Plan Protection Division of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
Yuk......They're Back:
We've heard two worm reports this week.   The first was regarding Forest Tent Caterpillars.  Click here to see recent informative articles on the DNR website (including "forest tent caterpillars: good, bad or just ugly?").  Also, according to a news report, the DNR says that some sort of "cut leaf" worm is moving north.  Isn't nature great?
The BLIA Tree & Plant Giveaway is this Saturday, May 26, from 10-12 AM at Lonesome Pine.  The trees and plants are free to BLIA members. Click here for pictures.


One More “2011 Young Angler”:
Click here to see Jack (and Gary) Malek.
Help From Grandpa:
Click here to see Everett (and Dave) Perry.
Success At Woodland Beach Resort:
Click here to see Brandon Bunger & Billy Vohle.
Diving for Fish:
Click here to see Sara.
Brother & Sister Team:
Click here to see Mason & Kylie Mulheran.
Nice Bass:
Click here to see Adrienne Lee.
Crappies Galore:
Click here to see Ella England.
One To Remember:
Click here to see Evelyn Haeg
Cool Fisherman:
Click here to see Jake Goecke.
Check Out This 2010 Winner:
Click here to see Sam Schwartzbauer.
Beginners luck or the start of a great fishing career?
To see Nickolas Benson and his huge sunfish, click here.
Monster Crappie:
To see Quinn Daugherty, click here.
27" Walleye:
To see Jonathan Paquette, click here.
Our High Water Level Is Now Serious:
We're used to high water in the spring, but record levels during primetime creates a multitude of problems.  Some are a nuisance.  Others involve long term damage.  We can't control the rainfall but we can be good neighbors.  Please click here to read more.
Steve Gamble Returns to Church Island:
Long time friend of Bay Lake, Steve Gamble, will conduct the July 31st service on Church Island.  To see more, click here.
Churchyard Grass Plays Church Island:
Don't miss this special Church Island Service on July 10th.  To read the details, click here.
BLIA Holiday Party 2011 - WOW:
It couldn't have been any better. What a wonderful community! To see pictures, click here. Then put it on your calendar for next year.
Incredible Christmas Lighting:
Bay Lake is home to a wonderful display of Christmas lighting that was recently reported in the Brainerd Dispatch. Click here to read the article and see the video. Then make time to view the display at the home of Louie & Maridee Smilich in Knieff's Shore Acres. Our community is indebted to Louie & Maridee for their work, dedication and creativity. THANKS! You make Bay Lake a community.
No Snow, No Problem:
Click here to see the solution.
New Year's Day Service:
Click here to see pictures from Church Island.
Final 2011 Church Island Service & Social:
Click here to see the pictures (and then put this event on your 2012 calendar).
More 2011 "Big Swim" Results:
Click here to see the last swimmer to cross the finish line.
BLIA Members Thank The Scramble & Picnic Sponsors:
To see a great group picture, a list of our very appreciated sponsors and the financial results, click here.
2011 "Big Swim" Results:
Hansen's to White Hawk.  Wow!  Click here to learn more.
2011 BLIA Golf Scramble & Picnic:
Lots of sun, a couple light showers, a ton of fun and money for the BLIA Environmental Fund.  To see pictures from this wonderful Bay Lake tradition, click here. 
2011 Runtilla Pictures:
Click here to see pictures of this wonderful event.
2011 BLIA Runtilla:
Wet but successful.  To read more, click here.
2011 BLIA Annual Meeting:
On July 2nd, Chris Ruttger chaired an informative (but concise....... the most information per minute on record) and social annual meeting.  To see pictures, click here.
David's Annual Meeting EWM Update:
To read the update, click here.
Income Less Expenses Equals A Deficit.  See The Numbers:
To see the pie charts that were presented by BLIA Environmental Fund Treasurer Chris Gondeck at the 2011 BLIA Annual Meeting, click here.
2011 Environmental Fund Presentation:
Trish Jesperson & Dominic Ciresi gave a great Environmental Fund presentation at the BLIA Annual Meeting.  Their message is clear:  To continue meeting our environmental challenges (primarily EWM treatment, access monitoring and water quality initiatives) we need to raise more money.  Our giving isn't keeping up with our needs.  Or, to put it bluntly, WE need to increase our giving.  Please click here to view their slides.  When it comes to preserving Bay Lake, letting things slide isn't an option.
2011 Fireworks:
WOW!  To see the pictures of this wonderful Bay Lake tradition, click here.
BLIA Tree & Plant Giveaway:
BLIA members continue to enhance and protect Bay Lake by planting seedlings and native shoreline plants.  To see the article and pictures, click here.
Water, Water, Water Everywhere:
To read about our high water level, click here.
Oh My!
To check out the hats (and Baylakers) at Derby Days, click here.


Access Monitor Volunteer "Hall of Fame":
These folks are out there on the front line.  To see the volunteer list, click here.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) 2010:
To see a map of the 2010 infestation sites, click here.
To read about BLIA’s EWM treatment strategy, click here.
To see EWM ID cards, click here.
Awesome Bay Lake fireworks 
To see pictures, click here.
Minnow Camp 2010:
Once again, Minnow Camp is a huge success.  To see the pictures, click here.
Runtilla Is A Huge Success (Again!):
To read about the 2010 Runtilla, click here.
To see event pictures, click here.
To see award pictures, click here.
Fantastic Golf Scramble & Picnic:
To see the pictures, click here.
The Fishing Contest Builds Memories:
To see the winners (and a "whopper"), click here.
Fellowship, Treats & Prizes:
To see pictures of the final 2010 Church Island Service (& Hot Dog, Pie & Ice Cream Social), click here.
2010 Fishing Contest Update:
To see the competition, click here.
2010 Runtilla Results:
To see the winners, click here.
And the Winners Are.....KIDS!
The first annual (?) "Send A Kid To Camp" swim relay was a little cool, but very successful.  To read about it, click here. NEW
Gary's "Dockers" Pull Together For BLC:
To see who, click here.
Have Fun While Protecting Bay Lake:
To see Access Monitor Volunteers in action, click here.
Water Sampling Along The New Highway:
To see our volunteers in action, click here.
Fishing Contest Memories:
To see the "catch" (and a couple of proud anglers), click here.
"Fall Beauty" Pictures:
To see Bay Lake dressed up in her finest fall colors, click here.
BLIA Christmas Party 2010:
In spite of Mother Nature, the 2010 BLIA Christmas Party was a wonderful success.  Great food , a cozy setting and good friends.  What could be better?  To see the Event Article, click here.  To see all of the pictures, click here.
"Winter Beauty" Pictures:
To visit the page, click here.





Feel free to send comments or anything you would like to contribute to us!

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